Education is a natural process, it keeps growing & evolving with time. It has no limitations or boundaries with respect to the human mind, that being the major reason for different styles of education in different countries. Indian education as compared to abroad education is less flexible as the country is still in its developing process. Every education system has its own advantages & disadvantages, therefore, it becomes necessary to understand which education system will benefit you utmost.
Here are few aspects which differentiate overseas education from Indian education :
  • APPROACH TOWARDS EDUCATION  – Universities Abroad focus more on practical approach & emphasize more on new talents whereas, in India, they focus more on theoretical approach & rely on the curriculum which is already told in the past.
  • MIGRATION OPTION  –  Foreign education system allows their students to migrate or opt for other subjects in spite of having major subjects in their course while the Indian education system doesn’t allow their students to opt for other subjects in the midterm. For instance, physics major students can’t opt for history in the midterm.
  • COURSE OPTIONS – Foreign universities provide various course options and peculiarities to the students from the very beginning whereas, Indian universities are now providing multiple course options to the students.
  • FUNDS & SCHOLARSHIPS – Pursuing education abroad is expensive in overall terms (food, travel ) etc, & they provide a varied number of scholarships to their students whereas, in India, they have limited scholarships & funds which make them cheap as compared to foreign universities.

As I mentioned before every country has its own education system which executes programs according to their availability & they all have different and unique to offer.

                   Regardless of the benefits you gain from overseas education systems, it all depends on you. So, choose wisely and pick up the option which suits & benefits you more in future studies & career.